Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ch Ch Ch Changes

Count the Changes, Krutch Park, Knoxville, October 2010
I took a little walk around downtown this afternoon to see what was going on. As always, the answer is plenty. The picture above contains subtle and not-so-subtle notices that change is afoot.

One of the first things that I noticed, and it's contained in that picture, were ribbons all along Gay Street on every light post and liberally hung on any available surface to which they might be tied. I don't know if I missed a parade or a patriotic event, but there were five ribbons in each bunch and they were inscribed with "Together we Stand" on one and the various branches of the military - including the National Guard - on each of the others. There must be a hundred or more running the length of the street. Do any readers know the story? Here are a couple more pictures of the ribbons along the street.

Arcade Building with Ribbon, Gay Street, Knoxville, October 2010

Ribbon close-up looking north on Gay Street, Knoxville, October 2010
Also in the picture at the top, if you look just behind the sculptures on the ground is a long piece of plywood where the fountain used to be. I suppose the covers mark the end of fountain season. I know it is too cold for children to play in them like they did all summer, but I'll miss them until spring.

The other news in the photograph might not be obvious to anyone who has not followed the Dogwood Arts Sculpture project, which I've previously discussed here, here and here. I had begun to wonder if someone forgot to gather the art that was scheduled to be downtown until - I thought - the end of September. It may have been October, because, as the month ends, the sculptures are on the move.

The one on the left in the picture has been mentioned here before and was originally located beside the convention center. It is titled "Sailors Warning" - yes, without the apostrophe. Why is it now on Gay Street? Does this mean we are keeping it, but in a new location? It is crowding Flow Mojo, also in that picture. I'm hoping Flow Mojo stays, but it deserves its own space.

Entrance to Krutch Park - without "Trinity" sculpture, Knoxville, October 2010
This sent me searching Krutch Park for other sculptures. "Trinity" was gone! I thought this one had the best chance of staying. I'm disappointed. The entrance to Krutch Park definitely looks like something is missing. Also absent was "Snowflake," and "Storyteller." The later is a real disappointment. I really thought it had found a home. Still, we enjoyed these and many others for months and they enriched us. I appreciate the Dogwood Arts Festival and Arts in Public Spaces for letting us borrow them. Still, I would like to see more great permanent installations around the city.
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At November 3, 2010 at 5:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bowie wants to remind you that Nov.11 is Veterans Day. Maybe "Sailors Warning" and the ribbons are in anticipation of a "parade or patriotic event." Ray

At November 3, 2010 at 8:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next week is Veteran's Day. There will be a parade. We always have ribbons hung downtown on Memorial Day and Veteran's Day. Welcome to downtown.

At November 3, 2010 at 12:20 PM , Anonymous KnoxvilleUrbanGuy said...

Thank you Mr. Bowie for making the connection between the sculpture and the ribbons. I didn't think about that. And thank you (other)Mr. Anonymous for the heartfelt welcome to downtown. I've been coming to downtown Knoxville for about thirty years, so I don't feel new, but I have only *lived* downtown for a year, so I'm sure I don't know nearly as much as yourself about downtown happenings. I'm learning and I hope it doesn't bother if I write while I learn! Thanks for the patience.

At November 3, 2010 at 4:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I expect the plywood covering the fountains is in anticipation of the Christmas tree.

At November 3, 2010 at 5:14 PM , Anonymous KnoxvilleUrbanGuy said...

Yes - and I very much enjoy Christmas in the City. Still, I've thought the fountain has been especially pretty this year with the Flow Mojo sculpture in front of or beside it depending on where you are standing. The Christmas tree will be great, though. There's already one up on the Market Square stage.


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